
‘In Plain Sight: Obvious Intentions and the Deceiving Banality of Formats’, Conference ‘Format und Bild / Format and Image’, Augst, 6–8 September 2024 (invited).

‘Art-Historical Empiricism and Digital Art History’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, Università di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’, Naples, 6–8 June 2024 (refereed).

‘What Is Visible to Art Historians’ (with Sam Rose), conference ‘Provocations for a Different Art History’, University of Illinois, Chicago, 18 February 2024 (invited).

‘Style and Art-Historical Empiricism’, workshop ‘The Concept of Style’, UC Riverside, 13 December 2023 (guest lecture – online).

‘What Do Rubbings Preserve? A Foray into the Aesthetics of a Technique’, conference ‘Contact: Transcultural Techniques and Metaphors of Imprinting’, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 31 May 2023 (invited).

‘Monsters and Monuments’, conference ‘Real Spaces at 20’, eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image, Universität Basel, 12 May 2023 (invited).

‘What Do Rubbings Preserve? A Foray into the Aesthetics of a Technique’, Workshop ‘Logics of the Negative: Techniques and Metaphors of Imprinting’, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve, 23 March 2023 (invited).

‘Monumentality and Its Global Reach’, Annual Pre-Conference Colloquium, CAA-Getty International Program, New York, 14 February 2023 (refereed).

‘Transfer – Transmission – Transformation: Global Art History as Aesthetics’, doctoral conference ‘Transfer’, Masaryk University, Brno, 6 December 2022 (keynote lecture).

‘Monumentality and Its Public’, Workshop on the Aesthetics of Public Art, King’s College, London, 10–11 November 2022 (refereed).

‘Monumentality and Art History’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, Academy of Arts, Tallinn, 28–30 June 2022 (refereed).

‘Monumentality between Art History and Archaeology’, Getty Spring School of Archaeology, Bucharest, 12 May 2022 (invited).

‘Archaeological, Art-Historical, and Monumental Representation’, conference ‘Representation and Its Epistemological Significance’, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, 6 May 2022 (invited).

‘What Is an Image Format?’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, 21–23 June 2021 (online – refereed).

‘Art Formats as Attention Guides’, Nordic Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, 20–21 May 2021 (online – refereed).

‘What Is an Image Format?’, Philosophical Seminar ‘Aesthetic Research Torino’, University of Turin, 13 January 2021 (online – invited).

‘Formats as Instrumental Structures’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallin, 12–14 June 2020 (refereed) – event cancelled (COVID-19).

‘Social Reality of General Style’, Conference ‘Morphology and Historical Sequence’, University of Turin, 21–22 November 2019 (refereed).

‘Social Reality of General Style’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, University of Warsaw, 12–14 June 2019 (refereed).

‘Monochrome Sculpture and Visual Attention’, superficies conference ‘Surface Design of Sculptural Objects’, Technische Universität Berlin, 09–11 May 2019 (refereed).

‘Alien Aesthetics’, Remote Access conference, Freie Universität Berlin, 27–28 September 2018 (invited).

‘Substitution by Image: Art History v. Philosophy’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, Maribor, 14–16 June 2018 (refereed).

‘On Appreciation as an Archaeological Heuristic’, American Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, New Orleans, 15–18 November 2017 (refereed).

‘Keep Your Distance! On the Aesthetic Conditions of Museum Exhibitions’, International Conference on Art, Atmosphere, Museums and Presence, University of Southern Denmark and Faaborg Museum, 15–16 September 2017 (with Ondřej Dadejík, in absentia).

‘How Appreciation Fails Us: Against Optimism about Artistic Instincts’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, FU Berlin, 25-27 June 2017.

‘Visual Objects of Authority’, talk at the Department of Art History, UC Berkeley, 8 February 2017 (invited).

‘Substitution by Image: The Very Idea’, workshop presentation, Department of the History of Art, UC Berkeley, 7 February 2017 (invited).

‘What Is Post-Formalism from the Point of View of Aesthetics?’, British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference, Oxford, 16–18 September 2016 (refereed).

‘What Is Post-Formalism from the Point of View of Aesthetics?’, European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, Barcelona, 8-11 June 2016.

‘Belting and Summers on Substitution’, conference ‘Rethinking Pictures: A Transatlantic Dialogue’, Terra Foundation Paris Center and the German Center for Art History, Paris, May 19-20, 2016 (refereed). Audio here.

‘Unusual Visibility: What Would a Post-culturalist Aesthetics Look Like?’, Towards a Post-Culturalist Art History workshop, Freie Universität Berlin, 28 April 2016 (invited).

‘Renaissance Art Nexus between Substitution and Performance’, Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Boston, 2 April 2016 (refereed).

‘Anthony Forge and the Study of Distant Art’, Congress of Czech Art Historians, Olomouc, 16 September 2015 (refereed).